Goloka Popular Series, from the Maker of Goloka NagChampa
100% Masala Incense with Pure and Natural ingredients...
Scent: White Sage
Burn Time: Approx. 30 Minutes
Sticks Size: 8" Long
Packaging: 15gm x 12pks = 180gms per box
approx. 12 to 14 sticks in each individual pack (144 -168 sticks per box)
Case Quantity: 24 boxes in a master case
Hand-rolled in India
No child labor used
No Animal by-products
Environment friendly
Recyclable paper used
Non Toxic
The essence of Goloka Californian White Sage is sourced from the high desert of California. White Sage is considered a sacred, cleansing, purifying, and protective plant. These incense release a refreshing, cleansing scent. Traditionally used by Native Americans to ward off evils spirits and negative energies, also used in ceremonies to seek blessings of health and prosperity, & encourage protectin. The Spirit of White Sage is dedicated to offering protection, blessings, and clearing.
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